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How do you create a privacy zone?


Please review the following instructions to learn how to create Privacy Zones for your Digital Home Cameras.

  1. Take note of any existing Video Analytics Ground Zones and Tripwires, and avoid overlapping them with the Privacy Zones. It is recommended to create Privacy Zones before configuring any Video Analytics rules for the camera.
  2. Log into the Customer Website.
  3. Click Video.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Click Privacy Zone.
  6. In Privacy Zone, click the + on the desired zone to create a new shape.
  7. Click anywhere on the live image to start making the shape.
  8. Click on the first point to finish the shape.
  9. Click Save.
  1. Take note of any existing Video Analytics Ground Zones and Tripwires, and avoid overlapping them with the Privacy Zones. It is recommended to create Privacy Zones before configuring any Video Analytics rules for the camera.
  2. Log into the Customer app:
  3. Tap MediacomHeath_0-1706918121812.jpeg.
  4. Tap MediacomHeath_1-1706918121866.jpeg.
  5. Tap Privacy Zones.
  6. Tap to select the desired camera. 
  7. In Privacy Zones, tap + on the desired zone to create a new shape.
  8. Tap anywhere on the live image to draw the desired shape of the Privacy Zone. Finish by connecting back to the original point.
  9. Tap Save


Version history
Last update:
‎02-06-2024 03:55 PM
Updated by: