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Connected to a modem.JPG

Connecting more than just your router or Eero to a modem can lead to several issues:

  1. Security Risks: If you connect a device directly to your modem, you’re forgoing the security that a router or Eero can provide. Routers have built-in firewalls and security protocols to protect your network from potential threats. Without a router, your device would be exposed directly to the internet, making it more vulnerable to attacks.
  2. Limited Connectivity: A modem can’t distribute internet access to multiple devices like a router or Eero can. A router allows all of your wired and wireless devices to use the internet connection at once and enables them to communicate with each other directly. If you connect multiple devices directly to a modem, it could lead to connectivity issues.
  3. Network Management: Routers or Eeros also offer better network management capabilities. They can prioritize traffic to ensure high-bandwidth applications (like video streaming or online gaming) don’t slow down other activities. Without a router, you would lose these quality of service (QoS) features.

In conclusion, while it’s technically possible to connect more than just your router to a modem, it’s generally not recommended due to the potential security risks, limited connectivity, and lack of network management.

Note: This does not apply to customers who are using the wifi that is built into your modem.

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Last update:
‎01-02-2024 04:41 PM
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