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Choosing the right internet-CopilotChoosing the right internet-CopilotQuestion

How do I know which of Mediacom's internet packages is right for me? 


Several factors must be considered when picking the correct internet package to meet your needs and be cost-effective. 

Usage habits: Consider what you are using the internet for. Things like multiplayer gaming, streaming, and video conferencing will require a higher speed for a smoother experience, especially with multiple devices running at the same time.

Video Streaming Quality: With streaming more widely available than ever, speed can and does affect viewing quality. Standard definition, a lower-quality streaming choice, will not require the speed that high-definition or 4 K viewing will for solid picture quality. Keep in mind that the longer you stream, the more data you will use as well. 

Devices: The number of devices being used, especially simultaneously, should also factor into your decision. Devices connected to the same network share bandwidth, and the more devices you have, the more bandwidth or speed you will need to keep things running smoothly. 

Upload Speed vs. Download Speed: Depending on your needs or activities, you may want to check maximum upload and download speeds. For example, if you are planning on using streaming services or gaming, you would want to look at your download speed. If you are sending large files because you are working from home, video conferencing, or uploading to YouTube, making sure you have a higher upload speed is a must. 

Home Size: If you have multiple people in the home who will be streaming, working, or using the internet, that will play a factor in bandwidth and data usage. The more people using the service, the more speed you will want to ensure there is enough to go around. 

You can take our comprehensive Internet Speed Quiz to ensure you consider all factors to help you pick the right package and speed for your needs. You can also see the full list of speeds and packages  Mediacom has to offer. 


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Last update:
‎07-25-2024 01:48 PM
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