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What are online scams and what should I look for? 


Online scams come in several different forms and essentially are ways to steal your financial information or identity. 

Phishing attempts: Phishing generally refers to email messages that appear to come from trusted companies, but then attempt to direct you to a fake website, where you are asked to provide sensitive, personal information such as passwords, account numbers, credit card numbers, and more. Phishing attacks are not limited to email, however; they can also occur through instant messaging, in web browser pop ups, and through spyware programs that may have been secretly installed onto your computer.

Pharming: A set of technical tricks that changes the destination of the URL that you see in your browser and directs you to an "undercover" site. Stay clear of sites "without identity" or with a hidden identity.

Spyware, Trojans & Keyloggers: Sites that secretly install malicious software onto your computer to track your use of Internet usage and send the information to those who intend to misuse it.

What Can I Do?

  • You can protect yourself from online scams by never entering or providing personal or financial information unless you are sure of the website address.
  • Use only secure website forms, check the URL address, and never send personal information over unsecured channels such as email or to unknown persons. Mediacom will never ask you to provide your username and password, financial, or personal information through electronic communications such as email.
  • If you are suspicious of the website, or electronic communication, contact the company directly by going to their official website, or contact their customer service team.
  • Keep your Internet devices updated with the latest anti virus and malware security software. Mediacom provides customers the Total Defense Suite  as a free offering with their Internet service subscription
Version history
Last update:
‎02-20-2024 10:38 AM
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